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But here we are in Palermo and the correct phrase becomes necessarily "JUSTONS AVEMU A POBBREMA!!!"
And indeed there are so many problems in this depressing period of forced quarantine.
And what does a poor prank photographer, locked at home, unemployed, jobless, without panoramas, no sunsets and no models?
Easy, you put on your astronaut suit and photo montaggia in photos of an empty and silent Palermo.
It is a way to break boredom, to continue to photograph and to practice and also, above all, to play down a little and fight with irony and sarcasm this absurd situation and give an extra smile to fans and spectators!
And it is with equal irony that the hashtag of the moment #iorestoacasa adapts to the situation and becomes #iorestonellospazio…
I hope you like the photos and make you smile and I invite you to share and follow me on my social networks!!!
Ps. I also make "series" photos, so look at the other albums and after quarantine contact me for your photo shoot!
Palermo, the "Four Songs"…
Palermo, Corso Vittorio Emanuele and Porta Nuova…
Palermo, the gulf and the sea of Mondello…
Palermo, the Cathedral…
Palermo, the Politeama Theatre and the Night…
Palermo, Piazza Bologni…
Palermo, the lawn of The Italico Photo…
The self-built astronaut suit at home had been ready for years for other photographic projects; photographs of Palermo I have in the hundreds… And so it was enough just to put on the suit and perform these wonderful space self-portraits and then take pictures of the Palermitan views and the starry skies.
The only problem was the helmet that was badly and tarnished after two seconds… but it's nothing!
"Houston We Have a Problem," the story (on Wikipedia): Apollo 13
I invite you to share on Social… Thank you all!