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Cellophane,a word that evokes in the mind of the observer a surreal overlap of images, paradoxically and insidisttically linked to each other.
The presence of cellophane, which covers and strips at the same time that white human body, leaving it shamefully igused, makes us rework our historical and erotic experiences, and even prehistoric, making visible to others our most recondite thoughts.
So much so that the thoughts themselves merge with the more metaphysical universe, until they become cosmically understandable and usable!
And so, the unsuspecting artist, exposes, almost ‘dangerously’, these overlaps of bare skin and transparent plastic, introducing the visitor into this aseptically erotic environment, as if to make him part of the work itself, making it superimposed, to times above, sometimes below, at the shielding of cellophane.
The metaphor of translucent overlap becomes so space to inhabit, a cozy, warm, maternal, intimate, but still disturbing and elusive space.
The sinking of the scrutineer in to this surreal, fruitful dynamic focused polarized from the point of view of deeper human relations, becomes a metaphor for the entire mechanism of artistic enjoyment: the individual dimension erotic impulses, evolves into “universal perception”, culturally coded, of madness.
The art of Corselli is clearly and deeply problematic. He embarks on an aesthetic experience that chooses real skin, that of the human body, and fake skin, the layer of cellpohane, making fun of the vulnerability of the viewer, who finds himself facing face to face, skin to skin, with his fears, his illusions, his illusions , his frustrations!
Corselli, moreover, reloads, through art, a thousand-year-old reflection on the formal and functional need to protect oneself, at the human level and at the photographic-artistic level, wrapping itself up to asphyxiation and isolating itself from the outside world and the spread of all those pathological, virulent and poisonous viruses that modern society propies us!
Fabio Corselli
Bellezza, Eleganza, Naturalezza, Originalità, sono elementi fondamentali di tutti i miei lavori che emergono con gran forza anche nella fotografia di eventi importanti e in tutte le occasioni speciali che hanno bisogno di essere ricordate per sempre...